Our All Ongoing Projects

End-line study of ‘Uddokta – Empowering Entrepreneurs (Phase II)’ Project

End-line study of ‘Uddokta – Empowering Entrepreneurs (Phase II)’ Project

  • End-line study of ‘Uddokta – Empowering Entrepreneurs (Phase II)’ Project
Assessment on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)

Assessment on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)

  • RBC will support clean cook stove entrepreneurs to do responsible business!
Baseline Survey  of Ain Shohayota Project

Baseline Survey of Ain Shohayota Project

An Empirical Study on  Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh

An Empirical Study on Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh

  • This research aims to conduct a diagnostic analysis to identify gender gaps in financial inclusion in Bangladesh, which lags significantly behind that of men. This investment will engage a vibrant research team, dominated by female researchers, academics and financial experts.