Our All Ongoing Projects

Endline Assessment of

Endline Assessment of "Oporajita- Collective Impact on Future of Work in Bangladesh" project. 

  • CRD has been assigned to conduct the endline assessment of Oporajita project titled “Oporajita- Collective Impact on Future of Work in Bangladesh. The main objective of the endline assessment is to evaluate the project's achievement of key indicators and outputs as outlined in the monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) plan.
 Baseline study of Dohar CDP (Community Development Project) of GNB

Baseline study of Dohar CDP (Community Development Project) of GNB

  • CRD has been assigned to conducting a comprehensive baseline study of the Dohar CDP (Community Development Project). The CDP is a unique approach of Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB) to implement development project at local level.
Baseline study of Pirganj CDP (Community Development Project) of GNB

Baseline study of Pirganj CDP (Community Development Project) of GNB

  • CRD has been assigned to conducting a comprehensive baseline study of Pirganj CDP (Community Development Project) by Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB). The aim of this study is to assess the current situation and establish benchmark data to measure progress and evaluate outcomes at the end of the project period.
Mid-Term Evaluation of Kurigram CDP (Community Development Project) of GNB

Mid-Term Evaluation of Kurigram CDP (Community Development Project) of GNB

  • CRD has been assigned to conduct the Mid-Term evaluation of the Kurigram CDP (Community Development Project) of Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB). The aim of the study is to evaluate the project's achievements, challenges, lessons learned and identify the deviation ongoing targeted activities as well as to provide for further improvements.
End line study of  AGNEE (Awareness, Actions and Advocacy for Gender and Safe Spaces for Women and Girls) Project

End line study of AGNEE (Awareness, Actions and Advocacy for Gender and Safe Spaces for Women and Girls) Project

  • BRAC (4)
 End Program Evalaution of Nazirpur Area Program (AP)

End Program Evalaution of Nazirpur Area Program (AP)

  • WVB (8)
A study on positive gender narratives and portrayal of girls and women in youth and media

A study on positive gender narratives and portrayal of girls and women in youth and media

  • CRD has been assigned to conduct “Shomotay Tarunno: Youth for Equality” Project for analyzing the youth and media related acts, laws and policies in Bangladesh. This study will find gaps that perpetuate gender stereotypes and promote harmful discriminatory social norms.
Scoping Study on Green Livelihood Opportunities for Women in Khulna (Bangladesh)

Scoping Study on Green Livelihood Opportunities for Women in Khulna (Bangladesh)

  • BRAC 3
An Empirical Study on  Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh

An Empirical Study on Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh

  • This research aims to conduct a diagnostic analysis to identify gender gaps in financial inclusion in Bangladesh, which lags significantly behind that of men. This investment will engage a vibrant research team, dominated by female researchers, academics and financial experts.