Final Evaluation of ALERT Project

Final Evaluation of ALERT Project

Internews is an international non-profit organization dedicated to empowering local civil society worldwide by providing people with the news and information they need to connect and make their voices heard.  In preparation for the 2024 National Elections in Bangladesh, Internews, in collaboration with partners SOMASHTE and CCD, implemented a 15-month nationwide Action Advancing Local Electoral Reporting (ALERT) project. The initiative aimed to enhance the capacity of journalists, journalism educators, and students in election reporting and fact-checking. This project addressed the challenge of journalists lacking accurate reporting skills and the prevalence of misinformation in the Bangladeshi information ecosystem, ultimately contributing to a more informed and democratic society. As the project is approaching its end, thus initiative have been taken to conduct the final evaluation to understand what extent the project successfully achieved its objectives. The evaluation also aimed to capture lessons of the project.

Photo Gallery of Final Evaluation of ALERT Project