Final Evaluation of KOICA GBV Project

Final Evaluation of KOICA GBV Project

The purpose of the end line survey is to evaluate the sustainability, impact, effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy and achievements of the interventions of both communities in relation to the goal, outcomes, outputs, and targets.
Specific objectives:
• Evaluate the achievements of the activity in relation to the goal, outcomes, outputs, and targets.
• Evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of the fresh interventions modality and implementation process to achieve results.
• Identify best practices, lessons learned, strengths, and challenges in the activity design, including the log-frame and implementation for achieving project achievements.
• Evaluate the activity’s effects on local safety & security and how it affected certain groups of targeted (women and men; the youth population; boys and girls, etc.)

Photo Gallery of Final Evaluation of KOICA GBV Project
