Final Evaluation of Ella Program (Ella pad and Ella Mask): Two Projects of Ella Alliance
Duration: 01 October - 30 November 2020
Funded by: Ella Alliance
Assignment Summary:
Ella programme is a non-profit social business initiative in Bangladesh. It aims to ensure consistent production and supply of hygiene-related products including sanitary pad and masks through empowering women. The pads are less costly & quality pads are made from scraps which is reusable and easily purchasable. On the other hand, since the COVID- 19 pandemic, Ella mask is in production which is a very low-cost mask. The masks are also made from garment/ textile scrap and have been standardized as per WHO and CDC, DGHS guidelines.
Various anecdotal evidence and media coverage show that Ella Program has been making significant impacts on the life of women. However, evidence lack robustness and scientific protocols. Therefore, CRD has been assigned to conduct an evaluation of Ella Program to understand the level of impacts along with documenting the lessons learned from various interventions of it.
The evaluation applies mostly qualitative methods and rapid survey for data collection. For extracting secondary data, pertinent documents from Ella Program and projects implementing teams and partners will be included as well. Evaluation participants will be Ella Entrepreneurs and Users of Ella Pad & Mask. Some experts will also be interviewed.