Final Evaluation of CCSEC project
Funded by: EU
Project Summary:
Terre des Hommes Netherlands in collaboration with 3 implementing partners implemented the CCSEC project. It was a forty-two months consortium project awarded by the European Union & embarked on 1 January 2016. The project was taken to address some of the critical needs of the target populations children of sex workers and children living and working in street. At the end of the project tenure on 30 June 2019, the final evaluation of the project was required to be accomplished.
The objectives of this evaluation were to evaluate the design and coherence of CCSEC project including the results, impacts, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness & sustainability. Therefore, the evaluation applied an explorative approach & mixed methods to achieve data and to achieve the outlined objective. Among the qualitative methods, it had applied FGD, KII, In-depth interview and Case studies, etc. The evaluation also conducted a survey with children who were residents of the shelter home or night shelter & recipient of the services provided through DiCs.
The evaluation mission found the project a successful one. In some areas, it had surpassed the targets and, in a few areas, it has a moderate level of achievement. In most of the areas of OECD/DAC criteria, it had high performance (relevance & impact) and in the other three areas (effectiveness, efficiency & sustainability) it had a moderate level of performance. However, the overall performance of the project is upper-moderate (close to high).